He's 11 weeks old now, and his ears stood up at about 9 1/2 weeks.
Here is what he looks like now:

Here's a flashback to dropped ears:

Here's a general assortment of cuteness, from my parents' house:

Training is going very well, although I'm impatient for advanced things. Still, everyone is quite impressed with his "down" (no lure, good response to verbal signal), and of course his "sit" (great response to hand and verbal signal). His backing-up is exquisite as long as I'm backing up with him, but I'm happy that he's learning hind-end awareness so early.
I'm anxious because of the raw diet. I love what it's done for Wolfie, but this is my first puppy on raw, so I'm constantly monitoring his growth, comparing him to his brother or other puppies, obsessing about his size and fur... I need to relax.
Overall, he's doing fantastic. I have pictures from the Border Collie party we went to at the Southeast BC Rescue, but I'll get those set up later.