Are you going to throw the ball for me?

I can swim out to get it now.

I'm not a very graceful at swimming yet.

But I'm getting there!


Wolfie usually tires of keep-away, and Scorch emerges victorious.

This dog was really neat looking. She reminded me of a tiny Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever... maybe crossed with a delicate little bird.

We ran into some old friends of Wolfie's, and there was a fantastic chase.

Which ended with Franklin making "sand angels".

We met some other Border Collies there, and for THE FIRST TIME, a stranger accurately identified Scorch's breed. This little red fetch machine is ELEVEN years old and still lively as ever.

This BC actually looked and acted remarkably like Scorch, but I couldn't figure out who his owner was. He had the same overbite, expression, and posture, although he was obviously not a puppy. He LOVED Scorch, and Scorchie just wanted me to throw the damn ball.

Overcast or not, it was a fantastic day.

1 comment:
Scorch is just gorgeous. What a beautiful boy you have.
I noticed in the photo of Franklin making sand angels, in the corner there is a little white dog that looks just like BeeJay.
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