So what perfect timing to receive a special package in the mail from Loretta of Full Tilt Border Collies! I knew I had won a contest on her blog, but I've been a little distracted lately, so it was a pleasant surprise to come home to!

I know about her husband's sock monkey fetish so I was sort of thinking that might have been involved in the prize somehow. :) But I had NO IDEA how amazing and extensive our prize would be!

I could barely get the dogs to hold a stay... Norman was especially amped up to get at the goodies. (And no, I didn't bother to sweep before taking these pictures)

Wolfie found one of the bully sticks and decided that nothing else was as worthy of his time.

Scorch predictably decided that squeaking the tennis ball repeatedly and loudly was the best way to spend his time.

Norman commandeered control of the sock monkeys and immediately concentrated on pulling the fringe off of their hats.

Unfortunately, Norman couldn't handle the concept of "sharing" so he's sequestered in his crate right now. He doesn't handle excitement well. There are still some edibles left in our box; Norm can enjoy his bully stick in private. Scorch has decided that the tennis ball is still more important (OH MY GOD THE SQUEAKING IS ENDLESS) for now.

The dogs have been very bored with my new schedule and this really made our day! One of the sock monkeys has a giant hole where his jaw used to be, but actually they're holding up really well to all the abuse!
Loretta, I cannot thank you (and Klink and Gator and Ace and Even and Lynn and Crackers and Vittles and the sheep too!) enough!
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